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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ideally

Ideally a book would have no order to it, and the reader would have to discover his own.

Mark Twain

#discover #his #ideally #order #own

I think that one of the strengths of Cop Shoot Cop lay in the different, and at times, clashing personalities, Ideally, I want to have both ways of working in my life.

Jim Coleman

#clashing #cop #different #i #i think

Ideally, I'm also sending a message that everything passes, even hope, and sometimes you have to be patient while you wait for it to come back around again.

Heather Donahue

#also #around #back #be patient #come

The way I like to start a new project is to take a cover song and make a stab at it, ideally one that has nothing to do with the people in the room.

Jack White

#i #ideally #like #make #new

To every object there correspond an ideally closed system of truths that are true of it and, on the other hand, an ideal system of possible cognitive processes by virtue of which the object and the truths about it would be given to any cognitive subject.

Edmund Husserl

#any #closed #closed system #cognitive #correspond

I wanted to get a taste of what it would feel like to be a mum. I've always had a strong maternal instinct and ideally I would love one of my own.

Samantha Fox

#feel #get #had #i #ideally

No man can be ideally successful until he has found his place. Like a locomotive he is strong on the track, but weak anywhere else.

Orison Swett Marden

#else #found #his #ideally #like

Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness.

Marshall McLuhan

#aims #among #aspirations #collective #collective consciousness

Ideally the world would look like Davos, where there's more security than we can even see on the street.

Bill Owens

#ideally #like #look #more #security

In my business, if I get too close to you and you die, it hurts me. And so you develop a natural inclination not to be close to the patient, so that if things don't work out ideally, you can still get up the next day and care for the next patient.

Mehmet Oz

#care #close #day #develop #die

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