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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hypocrisy

'Shoot the wounded... what we do to people who are the most vulnerable... we 'shoot the wounded.' As if they haven't suffered enough, we add to it by gossiping and treating hurt people like outcasts." ..."I think we killed Ronnie's spirit... Instead of coming alongside her and supporting her through this, I failed her...

Lynn Dove

#gossip #hypocrisy #rejection #religion #shooting-the-wounded

Republican or Democrat, this nation's affluent urban and suburban classes understand their bread is buttered on the corporate side. The primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans pretty much admit that they grasp and even endorse some of the nastiest facts of life in America. Republicans honestly tell the world: "Listen in on my phone calls, piss-test me until I'm blind, kill and eat all of my neighbors right in front of my eyes, but show me the money! Let me escape with every cent I can kick out of the suckers, the taxpayers, and anybody else I can get a headlock on, legally or otherwise." Democrats, in contrast, seem content to catalog the GOP's outrages against the Republic, showing proper indignation while laughing at episodes of The Daily Show. But they stand behind the American brand: imperialism. They "support our troops," though you will be hard put to find any of them who have served alongside them or who would send one of their own kids off to lose an eye or an arm in Iraq. They play the imperial game, maintain their credit ratings, and plan to keep the beach house and the retirement investments if it means sacrificing every damned Lynndie England in West Virginia.

Joe Bageant

#democrat #hypocrisy #politics #republican #life

Hé quoi ? vous ne ferez nulle distinction Entre l'hypocrisie et la dévotion? Vous les voulez traiter d'un semblable langage, Et rendre même honneur au masque qu'au visage, Égaler l'artifice à la sincérité, Confondre l'apparence avec la vérité, Estimer le fantôme autant que la personne, Et la fausse monnaie à l'égal de la bonne ? Les hommes la plupart sont étrangement faits ! Dans la juste nature on ne les voit jamais ; La raison a pour eux des bornes trop petites ; En chaque caractère ils passent ses limites ; Et la plus noble chose, ils la gâtent souvent Pour la vouloir outrer et pousser trop avant.



Democracy is hypocrisy without limitation.

Iskander Mirza

#hypocrisy #limitation #without

Reagan and Bush... made the world safe for hypocrisy.

Julia Phillips

#hypocrisy #made #reagan #safe #world

The monkish vows keep us far from that sink of vice that is the female body, but often they bring us close to other errors. Can I finally hide from myself the fact that even today my old age is still stirred by the noonday demon when my eyes, in choir, happen to linger on the beardless face of a novice, pure and fresh as a maiden's?

Umberto Eco

#hypocrisy #lust #misogyny #monks #pedophilia

Thats called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!

James Dashner

#hypocrisy #hypocrite #minho #anger

Communist until you get rich; feminist until you get married; atheist until the airplane starts falling.

The Hypocrite Diaries

#human-nature #humour #hypocrisy #change

If she knew me as I really am she would despise me, and certainly not aid or abet my evil designs. To veil their vices from the sight of the good is the only resource of those who are not blind and know themselves to be vicious.' Thus was I confirmed in habits of hypocrisy; and these, for a time, worked only too effectually to my advantage.

William Beckford

#disguise #dissimulate #evil #good #honesty

Royce Westmoreland stared at him with biting scorn. "I despise hypocrisy, particularly when it is coated with holiness." "May I ask for a specific example?" "Fat priests," Royce replied, "with fat purses, who lecture staving peasants on the dangers of gluttony and the merits of poverty.

Judith McNaught

#hypocrisy #poverty #dreams

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