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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #humble

Mr. Lincoln's elevation shows that in America every station in life may be honorable; that there is no barrier against the humblest; but that merit, wherever it exists, has the opportunity to be known.

Matthew Simpson

#america #barrier #elevation #every #exists

I think it's important to come from a humble place.

Molly Sims

#humble #i #i think #important #place

The more you are in this business, the more humbled by it you become.

Meryl Streep

#business #humbled #more #you

I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.

Khalil Gibran

#desires #dreamer #dreams #humblest #i

The position of the artist if humble. He is essentially a channel.

Piet Mondrian

#channel #essentially #humble #position

Just as some people may conceal their own sinfulness thus seeming better than the norm, others expose their own sinfulness thus seeming worse than the norm.

Criss Jami

#conceal #equality #evil #expose #good

For a man who walks in the light, to stay humble is not to walk in the dark; you don't need to project yourself to be thought an honest man.

Mike Norton

#honest #honesty #humble #humility #liar

You must know nothing before you can learn something, and be empty before you can be filled. Is not the emptiness of the bowl what makes it useful? As for laws, a parrot can repeat them word for word. Their spirit is something else again. As for governing, one must first be lowest before being highest.

Lloyd Alexander

#full #humble #humility #learn #listen

We are a culture that relies on technology over community, a society in which spoken and written words are cheap, easy to come by, and excessive. Our culture says anything goes; fear of God is almost unheard of. We are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry.

Francis Chan

#humbleness #modern-life #life

A humble man will always receive the best that others have to offer; for he recognizes the truth

Jeremy Aldana

#life #truth #life

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