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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hopelessnes

There is not racial or ethnic domination of hopelessness. It's everywhere.

Sidney Poitier

#ethnic #everywhere #hopelessness #racial

I didn't really want to live, so anything that was an investment in time made me angry... but also I just felt sad. When the hopelessness is hurting you, it's the fixtures and fittings that finish you off.

Angelina Jolie

#angry #anything #felt #finish #hopelessness

The whole thing is quite hopeless, so it's no good worrying about tomorrow. It probably won't come.

J.R.R. Tolkien

#hopelessness #worry #despair

Your hope is the most beautiful and the saddest in the world.

Naomi Benaron

#hopelessness #beauty

What I would say to the young men and women who are beset by hopelessness and doubt is that they should go and see what is being done on the ground to fight poverty, not like going to the zoo but to take action, to open their hearts and their consciences.

Abbe Pierre

#being #being done #beset #consciences #done

No reflection was to be allowed now, not one glance was to be cast back; not even one forward. Not one thought was to be given either to the past or the future. The first was a page so heavenly sweet, so deadly sad, that to read one line of it would dissolve my courage and break down my energy. The last was an awful blank, something like then world when the deluge was gone by.

Charlotte Brontë

#future #heartbreak #hopelessness #past #sadness

Life could do nothing for her, beyond giving time for a better preparation for death.

Jane Austen


I do not view suicide as wicked, just terribly sad. There is only one death, but it is like a stone cast into a pond - the ripples stretch far. Such an act must leave a burden of sorrow, guilt, shame and confusion on an entire family. A natural death, such as my father suffered, is hard enough to deal with. A decision to end one's life must be still more devastating for those left behind. I cannot imagine the degree of hopelessness someone must feel to contemplate such an act.

Juliet Marillier

#hopelessness #sad #suicide #death

Hope as evidence of life. Life as evidence of death.

Lara Biyuts

#hopelessness #life-and-death #death

Spoilers follow I started reading the third act of Hamlet, and I got about two pages in when I realized there's no point. I am never going back to school. I am never going to the university. I am never going to watch wolves stalk through the northern forests or elephants graze on the savanna. I am never going to have sex or get married or raise a family. I'm never going to have a first apartment, a first house, a first car. I'm never

Megan Crewe

#hopelessness #nihilism #terminal-illness #virus #family

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