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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hid

Bagi Roy, jeans ibarat hidup. Semakin dia lusuh, semakin dia enak dinikmati.

Gola Gong

#hidup #jeans #life #life

Kebahagiaan itu harus diperjuangkan, bukan dengan cara mengemis minta belas kasihan, rendah diri, dan pasrah nasib! Begitu nasihat Mamanya.

Gola Gong

#life #life

Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

William Goldman

#garden #heart #hidden-treasure #love #secret

You are like a chestnut burr, prickly outside, but silky-soft within, and a sweet kernel, if one can only get at it. Love will make you show your heart some day, and then the rough burr will fall off.

Louisa May Alcott

#love #strength #love

Afterall, trust is greater than love, and to truly trust another humanbeing is rare. Love can exist without trust, but trust cannot exist without love. Antonio; Hidden Mountain

Sammy Sutton

#love #sammy-sutton #trust #love

How remarkable we are in our ability to hide things from ourselves - our conscious minds only a small portion of our actual minds, jellyfish floating on a vast dark sea of knowing and deciding.

Andrew Sean Greer

#hiding-things #mind #secrets #marriage

I felt so much more than horror. I was so afraid, shocked by what I saw. There were hundreds of men, women and children hanging from the trees ... there was blood everywhere! We all saw that every person had been gutted, like a fish. My instinct was to run, but where to ... I was on a train. As I watched those around me on the train, so many others also looked like they had explosions in their eyes and they too wanted to flee.

Alfred Nestor

#alfred-nestor #author-alfred-nestor #hitler #hitler-s-germany #nazi-party

The train, I was later told by my mother, only had about ten carriages to it, and there were hundreds of people fighting to get on. I don’t think anybody knew where the train was going, only that it was leaving Strausberg and would take us away from the Russians, who were now arriving on the far end of the platform. Some German SS soldiers and Police were shooting at the Russian troops, and many people – men, women and children – were hit by the flying bullets.

Alfred Nestor

#alfred-nestor #author-alfred-nestor #hitler #hitler-s-germany #nazi-party

The hidden economy [is] fed not by money and greed but by love, pure and simple. You see the best and truly golden opportunities do not arise to benefit oneself, but in order to benefit others.

Etienne de L'Amour

#hidden-economy #love #money #opportunity #life

Let me leave you with a positive thought. William Shakespeare once wrote: “The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” They call this the Hidden Economy and it is not based on greed or love of money, but on unconditional, selfless, boundless and unstinting Love.

Etienne de L'Amour

#hidden #love #love

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