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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #grave

An angel's arm can't snatch me from the grave; legions of angels can't confine me there.

Edward Young

#angels #arm #confine #grave #legions

I don’t agree. The morning fog makes the graveyard beautiful, soft and sad as a voice humming a lullaby, but I don’t tell her what I think. She’d call me a weirdo. - Raven Smith

Rita Stradling


The atmosphere is always very grave when I walk into a cemetery.

Jarod Kintz

#funny #grave #humor #change

One grave in every graveyard belongs to the ghouls. Wander any graveyard long enough and you will find it - water stained and bulging, with cracked or broken stone, scraggly grass or rank weeds about it, and a feeling, when you reach it, of abandonment. It may be colder than the other gravestones, too, and the name on the stone is all too often impossible to read. If there is a statue on the grave it will be headless or so scabbed with fungus and lichens as to look like fungus itself. If one grave in a graveyard looks like a target for petty vandals, that is the ghoul-gate. If the grave wants to make you be somewhere else, that is the ghoul-gate.

Neil Gaiman

#death #graveyard #death

By the way, is there anything sadder than toys on a grave?

Fannie Flagg


He spake well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

#death #death-angel #footprints #gravestone #death

I have them a few minutes to absorb everything while I teased Ubie, who only had to recover from his near-death experience. I was so glad Reyes hadn't ripped him to shreds. I liked him much better un-shredded. Unlike, say, my preference for lettuce or heavy metal guitar solos.

Darynda Jones

#fourth-grave-beneath-my-feet #death

He also deeply distrusts vampires, as you had guessed yourself,” Bones added. “Aside from that, all I heard was enough repetitions of ‘how many chucks could a woodchuck chuck’ to make me want to stake myself.

Jeaniene Frost

#funny-as-hell #humorous #one-grave-at-a-time #funny

Late Fragment And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the Earth.

Raymond Carver - from his grave marker


But I was awake, sitting by the window looking down at the trailer and Mr. Zoltan's truck. I could not sleep. That is how it is with folks my age. We take naps during the day, and then we cannot sleep at night. I think that it is because God is getting us ready for the grave. Is that right? Did He ever tell you? ("The Little Stranger")

Gene Wolfe

#death #elderly #grave #sleep #age

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