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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #good

My fortune somewhat resembled that of a person who should entertain an idea of committing suicide, and, altogether beyond his hopes, meet with the good hap to be murdered.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

#beyond #committing #entertain #fortune #good

The thing with playing live is, most of the audience is in their 20s and 30s. If you're older than that, you don't tend to go out to shows anymore. So it's good if you can attract a younger audience because they've got the energy to get up off the sofa and go out.

Colin Hay

#attract #audience #because #energy #get

But you have to understand, my beard is so nasty. I mean, it's the only beard in the history of Western civilization that makes Bob Dylan's beard look good.

Bill Walton

#bob #civilization #dylan #good #history

The House has passed several bipartisan bills to ensure all Americans have the opportunity to secure a good job to provide for their families. All of these jobs bills deserve the support of our Senators and a strong show of leadership from the president.

Joe Heck

#bills #bipartisan #deserve #ensure #families

Most people, 95% of people, are good people. It's the 5% who get seduced by power.

George Hickenlooper

#good #good people #most #people #power

I think art is good at looking back and looking forward. I don't think art is good at looking head-on. At the end of the day, people are more important than paintings.

Damien Hirst

#back #day #end #end of the day #forward

Notwithstanding this high Ecclesiastical authority, he who dared accept truth only because it could be proved, or proved to be good, and disregard authority, was commonly stigmatized as an infidel.

Ethan A. Hitchcock

#authority #because #commonly #could #dared

Somehow I think it was declared very early on that I was the - if not the black sheep of the family, not a very good student.

Dustin Hoffman

#black sheep #declared #early #family #good

Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

Jim Horning

#comes #experience #good #judgement

Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.

Thomas Huxley

#consequences #decidedly #done #ever #good

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