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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #exactly

Well we had nine top forensic pathologists from across the country, who operated as a panel, who looked at all the ballistic evidence and they came out saying that those bullets did exactly what the Warren Commission said they did.

Louis Stokes

#ballistic #bullets #came #commission #country

The law isn't justice. It's a very imperfect mechanism. If you press exactly the right buttons and are also lucky, justice may show up in the answer. A mechanism is all the law was ever intended to be.

Raymond Chandler

#answer #buttons #ever #exactly #imperfect

When I crossed Asia with my friend Peter Fleming, we spoke to no one but each other during many months, and we covered exactly the same ground. Nevertheless my journey differed completely from his.

Ella Maillart

#completely #covered #crossed #differed #during

You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike.

Dave Attell

#both #certain #exactly #fire #know

I was really conscious of that when I went in because I felt that I was pretty solid on the first one, but I didn't have the groove exactly where I wanted it.

John Otto

#conscious #exactly #felt #first #groove

Blank House was exactly a nice empty sheet where nothing was accountable because you were so naughty that you were in Blank House.

Diane Cilento

#because #blank #empty #exactly #house

When you mean a show like this, you have to say to me a show exactly like this, the way it was done.

Werner Klemperer

#exactly #like #me #mean #say

When people ask me exactly how much time I spend in each country, I always tell them I have no idea.

Utada Hikaru

#ask #country #each #exactly #how

One must not forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by the sick man himself. He heals himself, by his own power, exactly as he walks by means of his own power, or eats, or thinks, breathes or sleeps.

Georg Groddeck

#breathes #brought #eats #exactly #forget

Most libertarians are worried about government but not worried about business. I think we need to be worrying about business in exactly the same way we are worrying about government.

John Perry Barlow

#business #exactly #government #i #i think

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