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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #evolutionary

The evolutionary explanation for origins, although impossible either to prove or to test scientifically, is nevertheless defended by its proponents on the basis that it is the only explanation which is naturalistic, not involving the 'supernatural' element of a divine Creator.

Henry M. Morris

#basis #creator #defended #divine #either

Anarchists prepare for social revolution and use every means- speech, writing, or deed, whichever is more to the point - to accelerate revolutionary development.

Johann Most

#deed #development #every #more #point

Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew they had become gods. That we knew the evolutionary cycle they went through. Before we even knew anything about that. We had an ending.

Michael O'Donoghue

#anything #anyway #become #before #came

We might possess every technological resource... but if our language is inadequate, our vision remains formless, our thinking and feeling are still running in the old cycles, our process may be "revolutionary" but not transformative.

Adrienne Rich

#every #feeling #formless #inadequate #language

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

#deceit #revolutionary #telling #telling the truth #time

The secret of big and revolutionary actions also consists in discovering the tiny step that is simultaneously a strategic step, insofar as it entails additional steps in the direction of a better reality.

Gustav Heinemann

#additional #also #better #big #consists

You can't be a revolutionary, you can't want to change society if you don't love people, there's no point in it.

Myles Horton

#revolutionary #change

It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.

Charles Darwin

#evolutionary-psychology #mindset #science #change

Thinking is computation, I claim, but that does not mean that the computer is a good metaphor for the mind. The mind is a set of modules, but the modules are not encapsulated boxes or circumscribed swatches on the surface of the brain. The organization of our mental modules comes from our genetic program, but that does not mean that there is a gene for every trait or that learning is less important than we used to think. The mind is an adaptation designed by natural selection, but that does not mean that everything we think, feel, and do is biologically adaptive. We evolved from apes, but that does not mean we have the same minds as apes. And the ultimate goal of natural selection is to propagate genes, but that does not mean that the ultimate goal of people is to propagate genes.

Steven Pinker

#evolutionary-psychology #mind #psychology #design

The world is not ready for some people when they show up, but that shouldn't stop anyone.

Ashly Lorenzana

#expression #freedom #individuality #life #norms

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