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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #empty

For me, there is a stigma attached to playing beautiful parts. They are often empty characters whom the action happens around. I'm more drawn to characters with a complex internal life, who have a burning frustration underneath that keeps them going.

Ruth Wilson

#around #attached #beautiful #burning #characters

In the end, this volume should be read a s a collection of love stories, Above all, they are tales of love, not the love with which so many stories end – the love of fidelity, kindness and fertility – but the other side of love, its cruelty, sterility and duplicity. In a way, the decadents did accept Nordau's idea of the artist as monster. But in nature, the glory and panacea of romanticism, they found nothing. Theirs is an aesthetic that disavows the natural and with it the body. The truly beautiful body is dead, because it is empty. Decadent work is always morbid, but its attraction to death is through art. What they refused was the condemnation of that monster. And yet despite the decadent celebration of artifice, these stories record art's failure in the struggle against natural horror. Nature fights back and wins, and decadent writing remains a remarkable account of that failure.

Asti Hustvedt

#artifice #dead #death #decadence #decadent

Slowly, even though I thought it would never happen, New York lost its charm for me. I remember arriving in the city for the first time, passing with my parents through the First World's Club bouncers at Immigration, getting into a massive cab that didn't have a moment to waste, and falling in love as soon as we shot onto the bridge and I saw Manhattan rise up through the looks of parental terror reflected in the window. I lost my virginity in New York, twice (the second one wanted to believe he was the first so badly). I had my mind blown open by the combination of a liberal arts education and a drug-popping international crowd. I became tough. I had fun. I learned so much. But now New York was starting to feel empty, a great party that had gone on too long and was showing no sign of ending soon. I had a headache, and I was tired. I'd danced enough. I wanted a quiet conversation with someone who knew what load-shedding was.

Mohsin Hamid

#drugs #empty #headache #immigration #liberal-arts

All empty souls tend toward extreme opinions.

William Butler Yeats

#extreme #opinions #souls #tend #toward

Imagine a delicious glass of summer iced tea. Take a long cool sip. Listen to the ice crackle and clink. Is the glass part full or part empty? Take another sip. And now?

Vera Nazarian

#cool #drink #drinking #empty #full

Thou must be emptied of that wherewith thou art full, that thou mayest be filled with that whereof thou art empty.

Saint Augustine

#emptied #empty #filled #full #must

You'll find that empty vessels make the most sound.

Johnny Rotten

#find #make #most #sound #vessels

Philosophy of science without history of science is empty; history of science without philosophy of science is blind.

Imre Lakatos

#empty #history #philosophy #science #without

When a child grows up without a father, there is an empty place where someone must stand, providing an example of character and confidence.

Steve Largent

#child #confidence #empty #example #father

California is a queer place in a way, it has turned its back on the world, and looks into the void Pacific. It is absolutely selfish, very empty, but not false, and at least, not full of false effort.

David Herbert Lawrence

#back #california #effort #empty #false

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