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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #effort

I can tell you one thing, Iran is closer to developing nuclear weapons today than it was a week ago, or a month ago or a year ago. It's just moving on with its efforts.

Benjamin Netanyahu

#closer #developing #efforts #i #i can

Before we move forward with new efforts to lower the barriers to international free trade, we must review the consequences of the policies of the past and address the problems of the present.

Bob Ney

#barriers #before #consequences #efforts #forward

I'm content with the fact that I made a decent effort. That's what I've always worried about: that I wouldn't try hard enough.

Jack Nicholson

#always #content #decent #effort #enough

With regard to North Korea, between myself and President Obama earlier, with regard to the so-called launch of satellite, the missile launch, we shared the view that it undermines the efforts of the various countries concerned to achieve the resolution through dialogue.

Yoshihiko Noda

#between #concerned #countries #dialogue #earlier

I think anything that requires real global breakthroughs requires a degree of intensity and sustained effort that cannot be done part time, so it's something you have to do around the clock, and that doesn't compute with our existing educational system.

Peter Thiel

#around #breakthroughs #cannot #clock #compute

Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.

John Olver

#anwr #barrel #before #bill #closer

It's nice to always make an effort when you get photographed.

Rita Ora

#effort #get #make #nice #photographed

To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals - this alone is worth the struggle.

William Osler

#been #certain #effort #ideals #made

I don't like it when people are trying too hard. That goes for clothes, for acting, for everything. It's just not good when it seems like you're making too much of an effort.

Clive Owen

#clothes #effort #everything #goes #good

I would like to spend my next two years showing how the aim of making technology available to every young person can be built into the effort to make our nation more secure. That is my latest concern and what I will be pushing over the next two years.

Major Owens

#available #built #concern #effort #every

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