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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #drew

Strauss! Oh yes, he was so-so. He wrote pretty music- The Blue Danube and Tales from the Vienna Woods. But what is that compared to Mozart?' Suddenly, Bess and George spotted Nancy coming towards them. 'Nancy!' the cousins chimed simultaneously and raced toward her. 'I see our bus driver is still at it.' Nancy grinned. 'All the way from Salzburg." George groaned. 'Did he run off the road again?' 'Not once but many times,' Bess said. 'It was awful. Once he got so angry because someone compared Beethoven to Mozart that he actually stopped the bus, ran outside, and shouted into the valley, Beethoven is a bore. Mozart is sublime. Over and over. The professor had to go out and drag him back to the bus.

Carolyn Keene

#humor #mozart #nancy-drew #music

Monsters remain human beings. In fact, to reduce them to a subhuman level is to exonerate them of their acts of terrorism and mass murder — just as animals are not deemed morally responsible for killing. Insisting on the humanity of terrorists is, in fact, critical to maintaining their profound responsibility for the evil they commit. And, if they are human, then they must necessarily not be treated in an inhuman fashion. You cannot lower the moral baseline of a terrorist to the subhuman without betraying a fundamental value.

Andrew Sullivan

#evil #human-nature #monsters #psychology #nature

Be ye holy, for I am holy.’ It is as if God said, Holiness is my blessedness and my glory: without this you cannot, in the very nature of things, see me or enjoy me. Holiness is my blessedness and my glory: there is nothing higher to be conceived; I invited you to share with me in it, I invite you to likeness to myself: ‘Be ye holy, for I am holy.’ Is it not enough, has it no attraction, does it not move and draw you mightily, the hope of being with me, partakers of my Holiness? I have nothing better to offer—I offer you myself: ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’ Shall we not cry earnestly to God to show us the glory of His Holiness, that our souls may be made willing to give everything in response to this wondrous call? [. . .] In the deepest meaning of the words: where God enters to rest, there He sanctifies. [. . .] It is as we enter into the rest of God that we become partakers of His Holiness. [. . .] Rest belongeth unto God: He alone can give it, by making us share His own. [. . .] He had been known to Abraham as God Almighty, the God of Promise (Ex. vi. 3 ). He would now manifest Himself as Jehovah, the God of Fulfilment [. . .]

Andrew Murray

#holiness #holy-in-christ #nature

His face spreads into a warm smile. “As a matter of fact, no, I have never slept under the stars – are you gettin’ all romantic on me, Camryn Bennett?” He looks at me with a playful sideward stare.

J.A. Redmerski

#camryn-and-andrew #camryn-bennett #j-a-redmerski #romantic #sleep-under-the-stars

Oh my God, she was retarded and I was going to kill Jim.

Ilona Andrews

#ilona-andrews #kate-daniels #ilona-andrews

I looked at him. "You really need to work on your threats. I can't tell if you're threatening me or inviting me for tea.

Ilona Andrews

#kate #magic-slays #threats #tea

He lunged for the maps. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He went down. I hit him again to make sure he stayed that way, stepped over him, and picked up the maps. "I win.

Ilona Andrews

#ilona-andrews #kate #kate-daniels #magic-burns #maps

He props his elbow on the table, absently scratches his temple with his index finger, and I remember exactly what that index finger did to me earlier. How he circled my nipples with that finger, how he slipped it between my legs, drenched it with my wetness and then brought it up to his mouth, licking it, tasting me, his gaze never leaving mine…

Monica Murphy

#erotic #fable-maguire #romance #erotic-romance

I know it may come as a shock, but it's sort of considered polite to wait for the consent of the woman. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if you don't wait, you may have to deal with pesky criminal charges like kidnapping and rape.

Ilona Andrews

#ilona-andrews #kate #magic-bleeds #rape

No, you’re not going with him.” I crossed my arms. “Who decided that?” He put on his “I’m alpha and I’m putting my foot down” expression. “I decided.

Ilona Andrews

#kate #ilona-andrews

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