There was a scene cut out of 'Big Fat Liar' (2002) where I had to wear a dress. This may sound kind of weird, but I really enjoyed shooting that scene. ↗
By the time I entered college, I had decided not to have children, a decision that was never regretted. Accordingly, I was careful to court only girls who wanted to have professional careers. ↗
I look at my books the way parents look at their children. The fact that one becomes more successful than the others doesn't make me love the less successful one any less. ↗
At the federal level, we must help, not hinder, local school boards, parents, teachers and administrators as they make decisions about educating our children. ↗
People in cities may forget the soil for as long as a hundred years, but Mother Nature's memory is long and she will not let them forget indefinitely. ↗
Eventually, if you had a printer that is IPP compliant, that printer will have a Web address and anyone around the world who can get on the Internet can print to that URL. ↗