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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #desire

There is no greater impediment to progress in the sciences than the desire to see it take place too quickly.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

#greater #impediment #place #progress #quickly

But on the other hand, while disclaiming any change in my opinions, I desire equally to disclaim the representations of those opinions which have been put forward in some quarters.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot

#been #change #desire #equally #forward

The discipline of desire is the background of character.

John Locke

#character #desire #discipline

Our visions begin with our desires.

Audre Lorde

#desires #our #visions

I am surprised that I cannot recall whether my desire to become a minister transformed itself into a wish to lead the more militant life of missionary, by a slow process or suddenly.

Pierre Loti

#become #cannot #desire #i #i am

I had no desire to crash a man's world.

Ida Lupino

#desire #had #i #man #world

My intention to lecture is as vague as my intention is to go on the stage. I will never consider an offer to lecture, not because I despise the vocation, but because I have no desire to appear on the public rostrum.

Mary MacLane

#because #consider #desire #despise #go

I'm the last person who has any desire to instruct anybody in shame. That's no errand for me.

Jock Sturges

#anybody #desire #errand #i #instruct

I would rather be poor in a cottage full of books than a king without the desire to read.

Thomas B. Macaulay

#cottage #desire #full #i #king

The presentations and conceptions of the average man of the world are formed and dominated, not by the full and pure desire for knowledge as an end in itself, but by the struggle to adapt himself favourably to the conditions of life.

Ernst Mach

#average #average man #conceptions #conditions #desire

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