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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #cuisine

It's fun to pick a cuisine and say I'm going to research Ethiopian food, and see what it's all about. You find that there are a lot of similarities in cuisines from around the world and a lot of similar flavors.

Cat Cora

#around #cuisine #cuisines #find #flavors

I had turned down other head chef jobs. I didn't want to take over someone else's cuisine. I wanted to start from scratch.

Rene Redzepi

#cuisine #down #else #had #head

Every country possesses, it seems, the sort of cuisine it deserves, which is to say the sort of cuisine it is appreciative enough to want.

Waverley Lewis Root

#country #cuisine #deserves #enough #every

If I had to narrow my choice of meats down to one for the rest of my life, I am quite certain that meat would be pork.

James Beard

#cuisine #food #pork #food

I love children. Eating them, that is.

Keith McGowan

#cuisine #eating #folktales #humor #love

Well, every art requires appreciation, doesn't it? I mean people who paint, sculpt, or write books want an audience. that's the reason they're doing it for, and it's the same when you're a cook. You need somebody who savours it, not one who just says, 'Oh it's not bad.

Margaret Powell

#gourmet-cuisine #art

I think that curiosity happened on these reviews where I was just a guest of the reviewer, because it introduced me to new cuisines and to the idea of cooking as a mechanism for studying other cultures and understanding other parts of the world.

Ted Allen

#cooking #cuisines #cultures #curiosity #guest

Close your eyes and place your finger on a map. Wherever it lands, that's the theme of the evening. So many times we settle for routine dishes. This forces you to try new cuisines.

Mario Batali

#cuisines #dishes #evening #eyes #finger

I love the simplicity, the ingredients, the culture, the history and the seasonality of Italian cuisine. In Italy people do not travel. They cook the way grandma did, using fresh ingredients and what is available in season.

Anne Burrell

#cook #cuisine #culture #did #fresh

The cooking was invigorating, joyous. For Julia, the cooking fulfilled the promises that Le Cordon Bleu had made but never kept. Where Le Cordon Bleu always remained rooted in the dogma of French cuisine, Julia strove to infuse its rigors with new possibilities and pleasures. It must have felt liberating for her to deconstruct Carême and Escoffier, respecting the traditions and technique while correcting the oversight. “To her,” as a noted food writer indicated, “French culinary tradition was a frontier, not a religion.” If a legendary recipe could be improved upon, then let the gods beware.

Bob Spitz

#cuisine #julia-child #recipes #food

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