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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #creativity

We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.

Ken Robinson

#education #fast-food #education

Creativity is the highest form of intelligence. Over time, after developing a more advanced creative brain, I started feeling that my college education was more so something to be ashamed of rather than something to be proud of.

Criss Jami

#ashamed #brain #college #creativity #development

If little else, the brain is an educational toy. The problem with possessing such an engaging toy is that other people want to play with it, too. Sometime they'd rather play with yours than theirs. Or they object if you play with yours in a different manner from the way they play with theirs. The result is, a few games out of a toy department of possibilities are universally and endlessly repeated. If you don't play some people's game, they say that you have "lost your marbles," not recognizing that, while Chinese checkers is indeed a fine pastime, a person may also play dominoes, chess, strip poker, tiddlywinks, drop-the-soap or Russian roulette with his brain.

Tom Robbins

#creativity #deviance #games #individuality #normalizing

The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.

Criss Jami

#artists #artists-life #creative #creativity #experiences

Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes every day and every decade worth looking forward to.

Greg Anderson

#areas #creativity #day #decade #every

Flow is something the reader experiences, not the writer.

Verlyn Klinkenborg

#editing #reading #writers #writing #experience

Books deliver information so that experience has a chance to exercise creativity.

Richard Diaz

#exercise #experience #information #experience

Still, I wonder if more women artists, musicians and writers aren't household names because we don't have enough faith in our own pursuits to give ourselves the time we desperately need to be transformed by a creative vision. Maybe that glass ceiling isn't really made of glass at all, but of sticky little fingers, dishes piled in the sink, and mortgages that demand two incomes.

Holly Robinson

#gender #glass-ceiling #women #faith

Follow the path of your aroused thought, and you will soon meet this infernal inscription: There is nothing so beautiful as that which does not exist.

Paul Valéry

#inspirational #writing #beauty

Without Freedom or Liberty, creativity can not exist.

Richard Diaz

#freedom #liberty #freedom

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