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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #creativity

In strange and uncertain times such as those we are living in, sometimes a reasonable person might despair. But hope is unreasonable and love is greater even than this. May we trust the inexpressible benevolence of the creative impulse.

Robert Fripp

#creative #creativity #despair #hope #love

Curiously enough, one cannot read a book; one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, and active and creative reader is a rereader.

Vladimir Nabokov


I feel as though whenever I create something, my Mr. Hyde wakes up in the middle of the night and starts thrashing it. I sometimes love it the next morning, but other times it is an abomination.

Criss Jami

#artists #creativity #dr-jekyll #dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde #genius

A poet should be so crafty with words that he is envied even for his pains.

Criss Jami

#adversity #artist #craftiness #craftsmanship #crafty

Having books standing on a shelf in a room is like having completely different worlds at the ready, waiting to be explored.

J.F Hermann

#creativity #dimension #home #imagination #inspiration

Swoopers write a story quickly, higgledy-piggledy, crinkum-crankum, any which way. Then they go over it again painstakingly, fixing everything that is just plain awful or doesn’t work. Bashers go one sentence at a time, getting it exactly right before they go on to the next one. When they’re done they’re done.

Kurt Vonnegut

#creativity #writing #writing-advice #writing-process #writing-advice

Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life's sorrow with grace.

Matthew Fox

#grace #humor #paradox #humor

Does it not occur to people that I might be artificial by nature?

Maurice Ravel

#creativity #humor #self-knowledge #humor

You can’t keep bitch-slapping your creativity, or it’ll run away and find a new pimp.

George Meyer

#creativity #humor #humor

Human beings have an extraordinary capacity to imagine possibilities and then turn those possibilities into realities. Evident in the gifts of civilization—in our arts, languages, sciences, technologies, businesses, governments, and so on—it is clear that we are a profoundly creative species. Yet many of us only access a smidgen of our creativity.

Scott Edmund Miller

#creativity #success #art

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