There was living in the palace at this time a brother of the great Germanicus, and consequently an uncle of the late emperor, whose name was Claudius Caesar. ↗
Amor no conoce ningún freno;
para él no existen puertas ni cerrojos
ni poder que limite sus antojos.
Amor no conoce principio ni fin.
Agitó siempre sus alas al viento
y así lo hará hasta el fin de los tiempos. ↗
For although Claudius had been accused of gambling and drunkenness, not only were no worse sins laid to his charge, but he had successfully established some claim to being considered a learned man. ↗
The decision of such judges as Claudius and his Senate is worth very little in the question of a man's innocence or guilt; but the sentence was that Seneca should be banished to the island of Corsica. ↗