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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #choose

I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.

Martin Sheen

#chooses #civil #civil disobedience #disobedience #effect

So everything turned out fine, and we were given the opportunity to go to Washington and be briefed on the project of man in space, and given the opportunity to choose whether we wanted to get involved or not.

Alan Shepard

#choose #everything #fine #get #given

A bad investment is going for quantity over quality. If you're trying to be careful with your wallet, especially with the economy right now, you have to choose staple pieces.

Christian Siriano

#be careful #careful #choose #economy #especially

If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough - you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal.

Richard Stallman

#achieve #choose #enough #goal #idealism

In our friendships we have to be wise that we choose godly people to be our friends. Somebody might say, well does that mean that you should never have a lost person as your friend? No, I wouldn't say that. But you can't have the same intimacy with a lost person that you can with a godly person in whom the Holy Spirit is living.

Charles Stanley

#does #friend #friends #friendships #godly

The moment someone chooses to trust in Jesus Christ, his sins are wiped away, and he is adopted into God's family. That individual is set apart as a child of God, with a sacred purpose.

Charles Stanley

#apart #away #child #chooses #christ

Success always necessitates a degree of ruthlessness. Given the choice of friendship or success, I'd probably choose success.


#choice #choose #degree #friendship #given

We can choose between the future and the past, between reason and ignorance, between true compassion and mere ideology.

Ron Reagan

#choose #compassion #future #ideology #ignorance

NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts - we wear those a lot - and NASA T-shirts.

Sally Ride

#choose #clothes #like #lot #nasa

The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies, and emotions to link pain or pleasure to whatever we choose. By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly change our behaviors.

Tony Robbins

#bodies #change #changing #choose #condition

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