I would bend over backward to be back on Grey's. Any day, I'll choose lying in bed with Katherine Heigl looking over me over getting thrown against walls by supernatural persons at 5 in the morning. ↗
It is extremely unlikely that anyone coming out of school with a technical degree will go into one area and stay there. Today's students have to look forward to the excitement of probably having three or four careers. ↗
I know all about you. You're the people waiting on the shoreline with the warm towels and the hot chocolate after the woman swims the English Channel. ↗
Too many people feel that where you start out dictates where you should end up. I was on welfare and just shy of 19 when my first daughter was born, but I was encouraged to take advantage of my ability and drive and remained in school. ↗
A human being has been given an intellect to make choices, and we know there are other food sources that do not require the killing of a creature that would protest being killed. ↗
Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving access to and the quality of education to provide children who have dropped out of school or who work during school hours the opportunity to gain a formal education! ↗
But I got drafted out of high school, and my mother wasn't having it. She was like, you're not about to think that you can just play ball, because if you get hurt, you're going to be out of luck. ↗
Well, it is certainly not by choice at this time you don't see or hear about me. This business is very unpredictable. A lot of it is luck and being in the right place at the right time. ↗
In life there are no problems, that is, objective and external choices; there is only the life which we do not resolve as a problem but which we live as an experience, whatever the final result may be. ↗