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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #chance

Last chances in the Middle East have been two a dirham since the 1950s. Each year the enmities are more profound, the despots more bloodthirsty and clownish, the violence more extreme, and the conditions of ordinary existence more ghastly.

James Buchan

#chances #conditions #despots #each #east

Maybe I should have taken a few chances. That's not to say I want to go make 'Star Wars,' but I need to shift my career into the studio world. That's where my head was at when I thought of the original plot.

Edward Burns

#chances #few #go #head #i

I want to learn your trickery and feel what it’s like to have me wrapped around your finger. I want to lie to everyone because it gets me where I want faster. I want to be like you, because you are blind; and now that I finally see, I don’t want to.

Coco J. Ginger

#blind #breaking-up #breakups #broken-heart #broken-hearted

‎"What does it mean if you tried to get somewhere, and you didn't?" "Like what?" "Like if you were trying to get somewhere, but you couldn't find it? Does that mean something bad?" "No. It doesn't mean something bad. It just means you have a second chance to do it. And two chances is always better than just one.

C. JoyBell C.

#heartwarming #inspiration #inspirational #inspirational-life #inspirational-quotes

In order to fly you have to create space in the open air so that your wings can really spread out. It’s like a parachute. They only work from a high altitude. To fly you have to begin taking risks. If you don’t want to, maybe the best thing is just to give up, and keep walking forever.

Jorge Bucay

#inspirational #moving-on #taking-chances #taking-risks #inspirational

Often subtle clues are not obvious enough for the stubborn or stupid. This is when God stops throwing crumbs and starts throwing the whole piece of bread. If you step on moldy bread then you know you have waited too long.

Shannon L. Alder

#discerning-whispers #fate #inspiration #promptings #signs

Don't talk to me about aesthetics or tradition. Talk to me about what sells and what's good right now. And what the American people like is to think the underdog still has a chance.

George Steinbrenner

#american #american people #chance #good #like

Every life is a mystery. And every story of every life is a mystery. But it is not what happens that is the mystery. It is whether it has to happen no matter what, whether it is ordered and ordained, fixed and fated, or whether it can be missed, avoided, circumvented, passed by; that is the mystery. If she had not come along the Via Piemonte that day, would it still have happened? If she had come along the Via Piemonte that day, but ten minutes later than she did, would it still have happened? Therein lies the real mystery. And no one ever knows, and no one ever will. ("For The Rest Of Her Life")

Cornell Woolrich

#fate #free-will #life #mystery #random-chance

Our life is our only chance...

Laure Lacornette

#life #luck #quote #life

Betrayal. Lust. Secrecy. Devotion. I think we do these things to feel more alive. When the truth is that alive is alive -- you can feel it in anything, if you give it a chance.

David Levithan

#life #life

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