I've read your summary."
"It's not incompetent."
Be still, my heart, so I don't faint from such faint phrase. "Did you expect it to be written in crayon? ↗
Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are. Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin. ↗
From my close observation of writers... they fall into two groups: 1) those who bleed copiously and visibly at any bad review, and 2) those who bleed copiously and secretly at any bad review. ↗
You know some people are all about talk. I'm about results. Every victory, every conservative victory, I've had, I've had to bleed and fight to accomplish it, always adhering to our conservative principles, and refusing to take no for an answer. ↗