I believe that the short story is as different a form from the novel as poetry is, and the best stories seem to me to be perhaps closer in spirit to poetry than to novels. ↗
The basic principle which I believe has contributed more than any other to the building of our business as it is today, is the ownership of our company by the people employed in it. ↗
A 1990 Gallup poll found that 77 percent of Americans polled said abortion was the taking of human life. I agree, and believe that taking the life on an innocent child is unjust. ↗
I was entirely natural and in many ways I have the same attitude now. I don't mourn the loss of my youth because I believe you should enjoy what you have while you have it. ↗
Try to love someone who you want to hate, because they are just like you, somewhere inside, in a way you may never expect, in a way that resounds so deeply within you that you cannot believe it. ↗