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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #autobiography

Tell the Truth. Make it Special. Life’s a Beach. And then you Drown. Good Ideas cost no more than Bad Ones.

Justin Allison

#automotive #social-history #life


Sondra A. Torres

#autobiography #family #fetal-alcohol-syndrome #inspirational #family

I was standing in our dining-room thinking of nothing in particular, when a cablegram was put into my hand. It said, 'Susy was peacefully released today.' It is one of the mysteries of our nature that a man, all unprepared, can receive a thunder-stroke like that and live.

Mark Twain

#death-of-a-loved-one #death

Have you ever really wanted to be able to do something, but you came across a roadblock of some kind? You have a difficult choice. I made that choice once and it changed my whole life, by giving me experiences I never would have had if I took the easy street and had not tried.

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

#equestrian #horses #kids #teens #change

Let your autobiography contain these words; "I was able to think positively, love affectionately and work efficiently". Thinking, loving and working are what make us different from animals and trees.

Israelmore Ayivor

#affectionately #animals #autobiography #effecitively #effective

I spent most of this afternoon writing a new introduction for my autobiography.

June Foray

#autobiography #i #introduction #most #new

Before, the woods had always done so much for me. Once I could actually go out into the woods and communicate with God, or Nature or something. Now that something didn’t come through. It was just not there anymore. More than ever I began to wonder whether God actually existed. Maybe God changed as the individual changed, or perhaps grew as one grew.

Anne Moody

#civil-rights #coming-of-age-in-mississippi #faith #god #nature

I've been working on my autobiography, just pecking away in longhand. The more you write, the more you remember. The more you remember, the more detail you recall. It's not all pleasant!

Pat Morita

#away #been #detail #i #just

Authors can write stories without people assuming that they are autobiographies, but songwriters and poets are often considered to be the characters in their works. I like Michelangelo's vision, 'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.

Criss Jami

#art #artist #author #autobiography #character

My approach to the work is the same, whether I had the lead or a supporting role. I consider myself a character actor in the true sense of the word. Unless I'm doing my autobiography, I'm playing a character.

Ving Rhames

#approach #autobiography #character #character actor #consider

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