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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #inspiratio

Everything must change, nothing and no one goes unchanged.

Lyrics to the song "Everything Must Change"


When you don’t know how to fight, then the only future you have is nothing but death.

Jersey Pugay

#death #inspirational #life #death

The decision to be positive is not one that disregards or belittles the sadness that exists. It is rather a conscious choice to focus on the good and to cultivate happiness--genuine happiness. Happiness is not a limited resource. And when we devote our energy and time to trivial matters, and choose to stress over things that ultimately are insignificant. From that point, we perpetuate our own sadness, and we lose sight of the things that really make us happy and rationalize our way out of doing amazing things.

Christopher Aiff

#depression #happiness #inspirational #life #living

Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

Rossiter Worthington Raymond

#inspirational #life #love #death

Pity, mercy, compassion." "Thats's all I'm afraid," said Alfred. "That is everything," said the phantasm.

Margaret Weis


Here is Abraham Lincoln’s touching condolence letter to 22-year-old Fanny McCullough, the daughter of a long-time friend: “Dear Fanny It is with deep grief that I learn of the death of your kind and brave Father; and, especially, that it is affecting your young heart beyond what is common in such cases. In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all; and, to the young, it comes with bitterest agony, because it takes them unawares. The older have learned to ever expect it. I am anxious to afford some alleviation of your present distress. Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You can not now realize that you will ever feel better. Is not this so? And yet it is a mistake. You are sure to be happy again. To know this, which is certainly true, will make you some less miserable now. I have had experience enough to know what I say; and you need only to believe it, to feel better at once. The memory of your dear Father, instead of an agony, will yet be a sad sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer and holier sort than you have known before. Please present my kind regards to your afflicted mother. Your sincere friend, A. Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln


The root of humanly caused evil is not man's animal nature, not territorial aggression, or innate selfishness, but our need to gain self-esteem, deny our mortality, and achieve a heroic self-image. Our desire for the best is the cause of the worst.

Sam Keen

#inspirational #philosophy #death

You might be a big fish in a little pond, Doesn't mean you've won 'Coz along may come a bigger one.


#inspirational #life #life-and-living #life-lesson #death

No one is defined by a single act," Frederic said. "Whether it was years ago or weeks ago. We're all given chances to change, to make up for things we've done wrong. It's how we handle those opportunities that really matters.

Christopher Healy

#wisdom #change

I am not here [in the sanitarium] to write, but to be mad.

Robert Walser


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