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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #inspiratio

Every once in awhile, have a really good argument with yourself. I mean really get pissed off. Take both sides. Then look in the mirror, and in the middle of the argument say, “You know, you’re a pain in my butt. I’m not arguing with you. Get lost.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

What you resist persists.

Carl Jung

#motivational #truth #inspirational

Of the seven deadly sins, anger is possbly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations still to come, to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back--in many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you.

Frederick Buechner

#inspirational #anger

Things look one way and then they look another way.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

It all depends on you. If you want it to be different,it will be different. Don't look at the world with your eyes but with your heart.



You know there are a lot of different aspects to ourselves. It’s good to meet them, even engage them if we want to. Or just say, “The hell with them.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.

Myles Munroe

#inspirational #potentials #attitude

I can't say this strongly enough, but our feelings about ourselves are actually the most important barometer for determining the condition of our lives!

Anita Moorjani


...let us remember that the Savior has given us a charge. He has given us a call to bring forth much fruit and has declared that we must work so well that the fruit will remain.

Mark E. Peterson


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