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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #inspiratio

Relaxing is hard to do at times. Worrying and agitation are even harder on the body and mind.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

Accepting the rule that others want us to play is fine, as long as we’re fine with it.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

Comforting others can be tricky. It can get real sticky, if we think we are the comforter. There really is only one comforter.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

If you don’t like what’s playing, change the channel.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

It’s not our job to pick up another’s fears or even their strengths. Work on your own fears and strengths, that’s your spiritual practice.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

Everyone’s story is just their story. It may have little to do with you, or nothing to do with you.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

Men and women relate and understand things differently – period!

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

There are many aspects to yourself. Which ones we reveal to ourselves is entirely up to us. To reveal this is a process of self-revelation.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

Every day, each day is the most important day of your life.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

There are no coming attractions. It’s all here right now. The whole thing is being created right now.

Art Hochberg

#inspirational #art

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