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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #inspiratio

You just have to want it.

Mikayla Doyle


Unified thinking without borders in apparent dimensions can only be strengthened when focused collectively 'internally'.


#inspirational #life #locality #science #inspirational

That some good can be derived from every event is a better proposition than that everything happens for the best, which it assuredly does not.

James Kern Feibleman


Now I'm going to tell you something I've kept to myself for years. None of you ever knew George Gipp. He was long before your time, but you all know what a tradition he is at Notre Dame. And the last thing he said to me, "Rock," he said, "sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Rock," he said, "but I'll know about it and I'll be happy."

Knute Rockne


Prayer, to the patriarchs and prophets, was more than the recital of well-known and well-worn phrases. It was the outpouring of the heart. Beset by perils, persecutions, pain and privations, they naturally turned to God in their need, believing that He was able to redeem them out of their troubles.

Herbert Lockyer

#prayer #inspirational

Go hard or don't go at all.

Wendall Robinson

#life #inspirational

Walking back across the St-Esprit bridge, to the ghetto I'd instinctively gravitated toward, I mentally erected a more appropriate statue on the square. It would depict an unknown Sephardic Jew, kneeling over a stone tripod covered with crushed cacao beans destined for a cup of chocolate for one of the gentiles of Bayonne. It would be a symbolic piece, executed in smooth, chocolate-hued marble, and dedicated to all the other forgotten heroes--coffee-drinking Sufi dervishes, peyote-eating Native Americans, Mexican hemp-smokers--who, throughout history, have faced the wrath of all the sultans, drug czars, and Vatican clerics who have resorted to any spurious pretext to squelch one of the most venerable and misunderstood of human drives: the desire to escape, however briefly, everyday consciousness.

Taras Grescoe

#inspirational #inspirational

... It is better to proceed with one's duty in the service of others than wallow in the pain attachments bring

Robyn Davidson


There are so many options, so much to so, so many demands on women. There is no point in taking one hour to do a ten-minute task , nor should we slap together an hour-worthy project in ten minutes.

Elaine Cannon


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