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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #inspiratio

He who speaks without an attentive ear is mute.

Stephen King

#wisdom #inspirational

Don't try to leave for there's so very much to do, and you still have over eight hundred years to go on the first job.' 'But why do only unimportant things?' 'Think of all the trouble it saves. If you only do the easy and useless jobs, you'll never have to worry about the important ones which are so difficult. You just won't have the time. For there's always something to do to keep you from what you really should be doing.

Norton Juster

#life #life-lessons #motivation #moving #procrastination

In life, you have a choice to be better or bitter.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

#humanity #ifeanyi #iho #inspirational #life

if you love someone so much and they love you as the same dont let go of them fite for them showem how you true feel no lies no bs but if they are not worth it then leave and find your happiness

Mike Radcliff Jr

#inspirational #life #sadness #inspirational

...and so it was that my wealth came to be measured in books

Colleen Plimpton


Bliss and suffering, it seems, always go hand in hand.

Kentetsu Takamori

#inspirational #religion #inspirational

In life there are good and bad situations. But when you are down in the valley looking up at the mountain, sometimes you realize that you can see the stars a little clearer. You realize what's truly important and you know exactly what must be done to keep it just like it is.

Jennifer Megan Varnadore

#inspirational #love #inspirational

A bad expression is the creator of family earthquake

shubham kakkar


Berhenti bercita-cita adalah tragedi terbesar dalam hidup manusia

Andrea Hirata


As parents, we have the responsibility and the power to create a foundational love for nutritious foods that will influence our children's choices for decades to come, setting the stage for our children, grandchildren, and future generations to flourish in wellness and health.

Leah Borski

#healthy-lifestyle #healthy-living #inspirational #family

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