Defoe says that there were a hundred thousand country fellows in his time ready to fight to the death against popery, without knowing whether popery was a man or a horse.

William Hazlitt

#country #death #fellows #fight #his

Quote by William Hazlitt

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Edited by P. Together with some newly written and one brought in from the "Table-Talk" series they were collected in book form in 1825 as The Spirit of the Age: Or Contemporary Portraits. One or two positive reviews appeared such as the one in the Globe 7 June 1823: "The Liber Amoris is unique in the English language; and as possibly the first book in its fervour its vehemency and its careless exposure of passion and weakness—of sentiments and sensations which the common race of mankind seek most studiously to mystify or conceal—that exhibits a portion of the most distinguishing characteristics of Rousseau it ought to be generally praised".

Yet his work is currently little read and mostly out of print. He is now considered one of the great critics and essayists of the English language placed in the company of Samuel Johnson and George Orwell.