Read through all quotes from Germaine Greer
They put me in touch with the basic texts and I found out what the internal logic was about how I felt and thought. She also posed nude for Oz on the understanding that the male editors would do likewise: they did not. Girls are feminised from childhood by being taught rules that subjugate them Germaine Greer argued.
She is also the author of many other books including Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility (1984); The Change: Women Ageing and the Menopause (1991); Shakespeare's Wife (2007); and The Whole Woman (1999). Greer's ideas have created controversy ever since her book The Female Eunuch became an international best-seller in 1970 turning her into a household name and bringing her both adulation and opposition. In contrast Greer sees equality as mere assimilation and "settling" to live the lives of "unfree men".