In short, all things that please the natural man in this world, are, to a true Christian, only so many crosses and temptations, allurements of sin and snares of death, that continually exercise his virtue.

Johann Arndt

#christian #continually #crosses #death #exercise

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About Johann Arndt

Did you know about Johann Arndt?

His principal work Wahres Christentum (book 1: 1605; books 1-4: 1606-1610) i. At Wittenberg the crypto-Calvinist controversy was then at its height and he took the side of Melanchthon and the crypto-Calvinists. After Wahres Christentum Arndt's best-known work is Paradiesgärtlein aller christlichen Tugenden which was publiJohann Arndtd in 1612.

Johann Arndt (or Arnd; 27 December 1555 – 11 May 1621) was a German Lutheran theologian who wrote several influential books of devotional Christianity.