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She returned to the horror genre with Tale of the Mummy (1998) The 4th Floor (1999) and the horror-comedy Boltneck (2000). Duvall was initially reluctant to accept the role due to negative memories of being called "Olive Oyl" as a child but went on to accept it in stride. Shelley Alexis Duvall (born July 7 1949) is an American actress best known for her acting roles in the films Thieves Like Us 3 Women The Shining and Popeye.
Shelley Alexis Duvall (born July 7 1949) is an American actress best known for her acting roles in the films Thieves Like Us 3 Women The Shining and Popeye. She is also an Emmy-nominated producer responsible for Faerie Tale Theatre and other kid-friendly programming.