Look thy last on all things lovely, Every hour - let no night Seal thy sense in deathly slumber Till to delight Thou hast paid thy utmost blessing.

Austin Dobson

#blessing #deathly #delight #every #hast

Quote by Austin Dobson

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About Austin Dobson

Did you know about Austin Dobson?

In 1936 he drove an Alfa Romeo P3 to 6th place in the first Hungarian Grand Prix. Austin Dobson (19 August 1912 in Lodsworth Sussex – 13 March 1963 in Cuckfield Sussex) was a racing driver from England.

Austin Dobson (19 August 1912 in Lodsworth Sussex – 13 March 1963 in Cuckfield Sussex) was a racing driver from England. In 1936 he drove an Alfa Romeo P3 to 6th place in the first Hungarian Grand Prix.