There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them.

Bernard Malamud

#censorship #fear #censorship

Quote by Bernard Malamud

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About Bernard Malamud

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For a complete list of works see Bernard Malamud bibliography

The Natural (1952)
The Assistant (1957)
A New Life (1961)
The Fixer (1966)
The Tenants (1971)
Dubin's Lives (1979)
God's Grace (1982)

Story collections
The Magic Barrel (1958)
Idiots First (1963)
Pictures of Fidelman (1969)
Rembrandt's Hat (1974)
The Stories of Bernard Malamud (1983)
The People and Uncollected Stories (includes the unfiniBernard Malamudd novel The People) (1989)
The Complete Stories (1997)

Short stories
"The Mourners" (1955)
"The Jewbird" (1963)

Books about Malamud
Smith Janna Malamud. New York Routledge 2011. ' 'A remarkably consistent writer' he goes on 'who has never produced a mediocre novel.

Bernard Malamud (April 26 1914 – March 18 1986) was an American author of novels and short stories. His baseball novel The Natural was adapted into a 1984 film starring Robert Redford.