Whatever I do, however I find a way to live, I will tell these stories. I have spoken to every person I have encountered these last difficult days...I speak to these people, and I speak to you because I cannot help it. It gives me strength, almost unbelievable strength, to know that you are there. I covet your eyes, your ears, the collapsible space between us. How blessed are we to have each other? I am alive and you are alive and so we must fill the air with our words. I will fill today, tomorrow, every day until I am taken back to God. I will tell stories to people who will listen and to people who don't want to listen, to people who seek me out and to those who run. All the while I will know that you are there. How can I pretend that you do not exist? It would be almost as impossible as you pretending that I do not exist.

Dave Eggers


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Doris Haggis-On-Whey co-authored with Christopher Eggers) (2004)
Animals of the Ocean in Particular the Giant Squid (as Dr. and Mr. and Mr.

His works have appeared in several magazines most notably The New Yorker. He is also the co-founder of the literacy project 826 Valencia and the founder of ScholarMatch a program that matches donors with students needing funds for college tuition.