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I am drawn to a fourth alternative, natural teleology, or teleological bias, as an account of the existence of the biological possibilities on which natural selection can operate. I believe that teleology is a naturalistic alternative that is distinct from all three of the other candidate explanations: chance, creationism, and directionless physical law. To avoid the mistake that White finds in the hypothesis of nonintentional bias, teleology would have to be restrictive in what it makes likely, but without depending on intentions or motives. This would probably have to involve some conception of an increase in value through the expanded possibilities provided by the higher forms of organization toward which nature tends: not just any outcome could qualify as a telos. That would make value an explanatory end, but not one that is realized through the purposes or intentions of an agent. Teleology means that in addition to physical law of the familiar kind, there are other laws of nature that are "biased toward the marvelous".

Thomas Nagel

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Quote by Thomas Nagel

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About Thomas Nagel

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Did you know about Thomas Nagel?

1970 "Death" Nous pp. 1970 "Armstrong on the Mind" Philosophical Review pp.  112-6.

His main areas of philosophical interest are philosophy of mind political philosophy and ethics. Continuing his critique of reductionism he is the author of Mind and Cosmos (2012) in which he argues against a reductionist view and specifically the neo-Darwinian view of the emergence of consciousness.

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