If “piracy” means using value from someone else’s creative property without permission from that creator–as it is increasingly described today – then every industry affected by copyright today is the product and beneficiary of a certain kind of piracy. Film, records, radio, cable TV… Extremists in this debate love to say “You wouldn’t go into Barnes & Noble and take a book off of the shelf without paying; why should it be any different with online music?” The difference is, of course, that when you take a book from Barnes & Noble, it has one less book to sell. By contrast, when you take an MP3 from a computer network, there is not one less CD that can be sold. The physics of piracy of the intangible are different from the physics of piracy of the tangible.

Lawrence Lessig

#piracy #love

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About Lawrence Lessig

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Did you know about Lawrence Lessig?

Lessig has known president Barack Obama since their days of both teaching law at the University of Chicago and had been mentioned as a candidate to head the Federal Communications Commission which regulates the telecommunications industry. A. In a press conference on March 20 2008 Lessig explained that he hoped the Change Congress website would help provide technological tools voters could use to hold their representatives accountable and reduce the influence of money on politics.

He is director of the Edmond J. Lessig is a founding board member of Creative Commons and the founder of Rootstrikers and is on the board of MapLight. Previously he was a professor of law at Stanford Law School and founder of the Center for Internet and Society.