A great blow it was,' he said in expensive tones, 'worthy of the mightiest warrior and truly struck upon the nose of the foe. The bright blood flew, and the enemy was dismayed and overcame. Like a hero, Garion stood over the vanquished, and, like a true hero, did not boast nor taunt his fallen opponent, but offered instead advice for quelling that crimson blood. with simple dignity then, he quit the field, but the bright-eyed maid would not let him depart unrewarded for his valor. hastily, she pursued him and fondly clasped her snowy arms about his neck. And there she lovingly bestowed that single kiss that is the true hero's greatest reward. Her eyes flamed with admiration, and her chaste bosom heaved with newly wakened passion. But modest Garion innocently departed and tarried not to claim those other sweet rewards the gentle maid's fond demeanor so clearly offered. And thus the adventure ended with our hero tasting victory but tenderly declining victory's true compensation.

David Eddings

#mocking #love

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About David Eddings

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Did you know about David Eddings?

After graduating from high school in 1949 he worked for a year before majoring in speech drama and English at junior college. The Losers (1992) - a story about a man struggling to rebuild his life after an accident. On January 26 2007 it was reported that Eddings accidentally burned about a quarter of his office next door to his house along with his Excalibur sports car and the original manuscripts for most of his novels.

With his wife Leigh he authored several best-selling epic fantasy novel series including The Belgariad (1982–84) The Malloreon (1987–91) The Elenium (1989–91) The Tamuli (1992–94) and The Dreamers (2003–06).