I only know that I love you. That's your misfortune.

Margaret Mitchell

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Quote by Margaret Mitchell

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About Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell Quotes

Did you know about Margaret Mitchell?

She had two brothers Russell Stephens Mitchell who died in infancy in 1894 and Alexander Stephens Mitchell born in 1896. 1913) a half-white Indian brave Jack must withstand the pain inflicted upon him to uphold his honor and win the girl. She hears her older sister being raped and shoots the rapist:

Coldly dispassionately Margaret Mitchell viewed him the chill steel of the gun giving her confidence.

For it Margaret Mitchell won the National Book Award for Most DistinguiMargaret Mitchelld Novel of 1936 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. In more recent years a collection of Mitchell's girlhood writings and a novella Margaret Mitchell wrote as a teenager Lost Laysen have been publiMargaret Mitchelld.