I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion-- I have shuddered at it, I shudder no more. I could be martyred for my religion. Love is my religion and I could die for that. I could die for you. My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet.

John Keats

#martyrdom #self-sacrifice #love

Quote by John Keats

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About John Keats

John Keats Quotes

Did you know about John Keats?

He wrote later: "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of Imagination – What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth – whether it existed before or not – for I have the same Idea of all our Passions as of Love they are all in their sublime creative of essential Beauty" again and again turning to the question of what it means to be a poet. Susan Wolfson. The poems "Fancy" and "Bards of passion and of mirth" were inspired by the garden of Wentworth Place.

He had a significant influence on a diverse range of poets and writers. John Keats (pron. : /ˈkiːts/; 31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was an English Romantic poet.