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That’s the first thing that strikes an American woman about Europe – that it’s unsanitary. Impossible for them to conceive of a paradise without modern plumbing. If they find a bedbug they want to write a letter immediately to the chamber of commerce.

Henry Miller

#humor #life #paradise #life

Quote by Henry Miller

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About Henry Miller

Henry Miller Quotes

Did you know about Henry Miller?

ISBN 0-8112-0116-3

Sunday after the War Norfolk CT: New Directions 1944. Hamlet Volume II with Michael Fraenkel New York: Carrefour 1941. First Impressions of Greece Santa Barbara CA: Capra Press 1973.

Henry Valentine Miller (December 26 1891 – June 7 1980) was an American writer and painter. He was known for breaking with existing literary forms and developing a new sort of "novel" that is a mixture of novel autobiography social criticism philosophical reflection surrealist free association and mysticism one that is distinctly always about and expressive of the real-life Henry Miller and yet is also fictional.

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