Everything's gonna be fine. Stay optimistic. If there's dark clouds coming, they'll leave again. They always do. The world is round. Everything is round. The biggest invention of all time, the wheel, is round. Things pass, nothing will stay the same forever. No matter how big a pile of shite you've gotten yourself into-be it drugs, financial problems, fucked up relations-you will get over it. It will go away just like the weather. The sun is round, so is the planet we live on, as are marriage rings, and our eyes through which we see the world.

Noel Gallagher

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Did you know about Noel Gallagher?

In 2001 Gallagher formed his own label Sour Mash Records which released records by the likes of Shack and Proud Mary. Oasis' second album (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (1995) reached the top of the album charts in many countries and their third studio album Be Here Now (1997) became the fastest-selling album in UK chart history. Originally Noel had wanted to take lead vocals on "Wonderwall" but Liam insisted on singing it.

Oasis' second album (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (1995) reached the top of the album charts in many countries and their third studio album Be Here Now (1997) became the fastest-selling album in UK chart history. However Gallagher was often regarded as the spear-head of the Britpop movement and at one point of time NME termed a number of Britpop bands (including Kula Shaker Ocean Colour Scene and Cast) as "Noelrock" citing Gallagher's influence on their success. Many have praised Gallagher's songwriting with George Martin claiming Noel to be 'the finest songwriter of his generation'.