You know, sometimes I don't understand what's wrong with us. This is just about the most creative and imaginative country on earth—and yet sometimes we just don't seem to have the gumption to exploit our intellectual property. We split the atom, and now we have to get French or Korean scientists to help us build nuclear power stations. We perfected the finest cars on earth—and now Rolls-Royce is in the hands of the Germans. Whatever we invent, from the jet engine to the internet, we find that someone else carts it off and makes a killing from it elsewhere.

Boris Johnson

#cars #france #germany #intellectual-property #internet

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About Boris Johnson

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Did you know about Boris Johnson?

He is one of few British politicians identifiable by his first name alone. Dennis the Menace). Guppy wiBoris Johnsond to have Collier beaten up for attempting to smear members of his family.

Initially coming to public attention as a journalist he became editor of The Spectator in 1999 then later served as the Member of Parliament for Henley from the 2001 general election until 2008. During his first term he banned alcohol on public transport implemented measures to encourage business and oversaw the 2012 London Olympic Games. Under Conservative leaders Michael Howard and David Cameron Johnson served on the opposition front bench first as Shadow Minister for Culture Communications and Creative Industries and then for Higher Education.