The purpose behind your aggravating persistence eludes me, sirrah. What is it exactly that you wish to know? Lord Lucien is a fine, noble gentleman – ”
“Who loves you to the point of distraction and cannot bear to think of a prolonged separation.”
“A noble gentleman,” she reiterated furiously, “who – ”
“Who wants something you have, and is willing to sacrifice his much prized freedom to get it.”
She flushed hotly. “There may have been some consideration given to the dowry, but – ”
“My lady,” the rogue laughed outright. “You are far too modest. With what you bring into the marriage you will turn Lincoln into his small, private domain. A kingdom, if you will, with a dragon on the throne and a nest of serpents writhing at his feet, eager to do his bidding.
— Marsha Canham
#marriage #world-domination #freedom