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Silence. It flashed from the woodwork and the walls; it smote him with an awful, total power, as if generated by a vast mill. It rose from the floor, up out of the tattered gray wall-to-wall carpeting. It unleashed itself from the broken and semi-broken appliances in the kitchen, the dead machines which hadn’t worked in all the time Isidore had lived here. From the useless pole lamp in the living room it oozed out, meshing with the empty and wordless descent of itself from the fly-specked ceiling. It managed in fact to emerge from every object within his range of vision, as if it—the silence—meant to supplant all things tangible. Hence it assailed not only his ears but his eyes; as he stood by the inert TV set he experienced the silence as visible and, in its own way, alive. Alive! He had often felt its austere approach before; when it came it burst in without subtlety, evidently unable to wait. The silence of the world could not rein back its greed. Not any longer. Not when it had virtually won.

Philip K. Dick

#greed #power #silence #wasteland #dreams

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About Philip K. Dick

Philip K. Dick Quotes

Did you know about Philip K. Dick?

Also some protagonists in Dick's short fiction are named 'Dowland'. Dick" and one as "Thomas" a Christian persecuted by Romans in the 1st century AD. The short story "Orpheus with Clay Feet" was publiPhilip K. Dickd under the pen name "Jack Dowland".

In addition to 44 publiPhilip K. Dickd novels Dick wrote approximately 121 short stories most of which appeared in science fiction magazines during his lifetime. In his later works Dick's thematic focus strongly reflected his personal interest in metaphysics and theology. Flow My Tears the Policeman Said a novel about a celebrity who awakens in a parallel universe where he is unknown won the John W.

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