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Your diet must be about fifty-fifty, carrots and locoweed," Annie said softly. He froze. "I can't figure out what in the name of God's labia majora you think you're doing...but I'm impressed by how well you're doing it in the dark. You must have eyes like a cat.

Spider Robinson

#darkness #sneaking #sneaking-out #diet

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Heinlein to expand it into a novel. The book titled Variable Star was released on September 19 2006. Campbell Award for Best New Writer (1974)
Hugo Awards for:
best novella (1977) By Any Other Name (later expanded into Telempath)
best novella (1978) Stardance (with Jeanne Robinson)
best short story (1983) Melancholy Elephants

Nebula Award for:
best novella (1977) Stardance (with Jeanne Robinson)

2008 Robert A.

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