He was changed as completely as Amory Blaine could ever be changed. Amory plus Beatrice plus two years in Minneapolis - these had been his ingredients when he entered St. Regis'. But the Minneapolis years were not a thick enough overlay to conceal the "Amory plus Beatrice" from the ferreting eyes of a boarding school, so St. Regis' had very painfully drilled Beatrice out of him and begun to lay down new and more conventional planking on the fundamental Amory. But both St. Regis' and Amory were unconscious of the fact that this fundamental Amory had not in himself changed. Those qualities for which he had suffered: his moodiness, his tendency to pose, his laziness, and his love of playing the fool, were now taken as a matter of course, recognized eccentricities in a star quarter-back, a clever actor, and the editor of the "St. Regis' Tattler"; it puzzled him to see impressionable small boys imitating the very vanities that had not long ago been contemptible weaknesses.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

#this-side-of-paradise #youth #change

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Did you know about F. Scott Fitzgerald?

He is also the namesake of the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Zelda accepted his marriage proposal but after some time and despite working at an advertising firm and writing short stories he was unable to convince her that he would be able to support her leading her to break off the engagement. Army.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24 1896 – December 21 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age a term he coined himself. In 1958 his life from 1937–1940 was dramatized in Beloved Infidel. The Great Gatsby has been the basis for numerous films of the same name spanning nearly 90 years; 1926 1949 1974 2000 and an upcoming 2013 adaptation.