He had been taught as a child that Urras was a festering mass of inequity, iniquity, and waste. But all the people he met, and all the people he saw, in the smallest country village, were well dressed, well fed, and contrary to his expectations, industrious. They did not stand about sullenly waiting to be ordered to do things. Just like Anaresti, they were simply busy getting things done. It puzzled him. He had assumed that if you removed a human being's natural incentive to work -- his initiative, his spontaneous creative energy -- and replaced it with external motivation and coercion, he would become a lazy and careless worker. But no careless workers kept those lovely farmlands, or made the superb cars and comfortable trains. The lure and compulsion of profit was evidently a much more effective replacement of the natural initiative than he had been led to believe.

Ursula K. Le Guin

#inequity #iniquity #initiative #profit #business

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Ursula K. [citation needed]
In later years Le Guin worked in film and audio.

R. She has won the Hugo Award Nebula Award Locus Award and World Fantasy Award each more than once. Dick by central figures of Western literature like Leo Tolstoy Virgil and the Brontë sisters and including feminist writers like Virginia Woolf by children's literature like Alice in Wonderland The Wind in the Willows The Jungle Book by Norse mythology and by books from the Eastern tradition such as the Tao Te Ching.