Do not focus your thoughts among the confused wheels of secondary causes, as -'O if this had been, this had not followed!' Look up to the master motion of the first wheel. In building, we see hewn stones and timbers under hammers and axes, yet the house in this beauty we do not see at the present, but it is in the mind of this builder. We also see unbroken clods, furrows, and stones, but we do not see the summer lilies, roses, and the beauty of a garden. Even so we do not presently see the outcome of God's decrees with his blessed purpose. It is hard to believe when his purpose is hidden and under the ground. Providence has a thousand keys to deliver his own even when all hope is gone. Let us be faithful and care for our own part, which is to do and suffer for him, and lay Christ's part on himself and leave it there; duties are ours, events are the Lord's.

Samuel Rutherford

#god-s-sovereignty #beauty

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About Samuel Rutherford

Did you know about Samuel Rutherford?

In 1627 he was settled as minister of Anwoth in Kirkcudbrightshire Galloway from where he was baniSamuel Rutherfordd to Aberdeen for nonconformity. He was one of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly of Divines in London and after his return to Scotland he became Rector of St. On the re-establishment of Presbyterianism in 1638 he was made Professor of Divinity at St.